Las reglas de PDGA y las normas de competición están en constante revisión para mantenerse al día con la realidad de los equipos, clubes, campos, administración de torneos, tecnología, etc. Estas actualizaciones y ediciones pueden ser desde meros cambios en términos casi imperceptibles hasta reescrituras completas de un sección. Afortunadamente, los cambios aprobados por la junta directiva para la revisión de 2021 de las Reglas Oficiales de Disc Golf de la PDGA y el Manual de Competencia de la PDGA para Eventos de Disc Golf contienen principalmente lo primero.
El proceso que parece bastante simple en el papel, requiere muchas horas de trabajo por parte voluntarios involucrados. El proceso es el siguiente:
- El Comité de Reglas y el Comité de Competición reciben comentarios durante el año y los revisan
- Los comités deliberan internamente y deciden qué elementos trasladar a la directiva para su aprobación.
- Las recomendaciones iniciales de los comités se envían a la junta directiva.
- La junta revisa las recomendaciones y luego devuelve sus preguntas y comentarios a los comités.
- Los comités hacen sus revisiones y cambios finales y las envían de nuevo a la junta para su aprobación definitiva.
- La junta vota para aprobar o rechazar cada una de las propuestas.
Los cambios a continuación fueron aprobados por la junta directiva y entrarán en vigor el 1 de enero de 2021. NO aparecerán en las versiones online de las Reglas Oficiales de Disc Golf de la PDGA o del Manual de Competición de la PDGA para Eventos hasta que no entren en vigor.
Ten en cuenta: cualquier texto resaltado en verde indica una incorporación a las reglas o al manual de competición, mientras que los tachados indican que se eliminará.
Cambios en el Documento de Reglas Oficiales PDGA
806.05 Hazard
B. A disc is in a hazard if its position is clearly and completely surrounded by the hazard or by a combination of the hazard and an out-of-bounds area.
811 Misplay
C. If a misplay is discovered after the scorecard has been turned in, the player receives two the penalty throws applicable to the misplay.
Competition Manual of Disc Golf Events Changes
1.03 J Temporary Amendment for PDGA events sanctioned as of 3/12/2020.
1.05.Practice Rounds, Beginning Play, Late Arrivals
G. The Tournament Director must provide two scorecards to each group, to be kept independently of one another. These scorecards may be of the same medium or of different media. The two scorecards must be reconciled by the group and submitted by whichever method the Tournament Director has designated as the official scoring method for the tournament.
1.08 Reduction of Field Size (Cuts)
C. Making the cut line at or above the payout line is required so that all players who make payout positions making the cut get paid. If additional players below the payout line made the cut due to ties, only those players remaining at least tied for a payout position would get paid. The only exception may be due to the Severe Weather Policy being invoked to finish an event. (Refer to PDGA Mid-Event Weather Suspension & Cancellation Guidelines Policy)
1.13 Youth Safety
A. Parents/guardians must be responsible for their children during PDGA-sanctioned events. Neither the PDGA staff nor the event staff are responsible for the children of tournament players, spectators, etc. during events. Parents/guardians may not leave unaccompanied children at or near the scoring area, clubhouse, or any other tournament venue. Any child younger than 13 years of age who is accompanying any player group and is not a caddie must be supervised by an adult who is not part of that player group and not a caddie.
B. Players in the MJ3, FJ3, MJ4, FJ4, MJ5, FJ5, MJ6, and FJ6 Junior ≤12, Junior ≤10, Junior ≤08, Junior ≤06 divisions must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during tournament rounds.
C. Any player younger than 13 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian regardless of the division they play in. A single parent or guardian may be responsible for multiple junior players in the same group if agreed upon by all of the parents/guardians prior to the start of the round. Players in the MJ1, FJ1, MJ2, and FJ2 Junior ≤18 and Junior ≤15 divisions may be accompanied by a parent or guardian during tournament rounds.
D. During PDGA-sanctioned tournament rounds, parents/guardians accompanying junior division players:
- may assume the roles of a caddie; assist junior players with disc selection, throw selection, rule interpretations, or scorekeeping.
- may not make or second rulings such as foot faults, courtesy violations, etc.
- must encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all junior players in the group.
- must place the emotional and physical well-being of all junior players in the group above the personal desire to win.
- must refrain from the use of abusive or profane language.
- must refrain from using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
E. Failure to adhere to the parent/guardian responsibilities may result in the disqualification of the junior player or removal of the parent/guardian, and their accompanying junior player, from the event site by the tournament director.
F. The PDGA highly recommends that Tournament Directors create their tournament schedules to ensure that all players in the two youngest age groups Junior 08 and Junior 06 be scheduled to play no more than 18 holes in one day. Additionally, TDs should use their discretion to possibly limit the amount of daily play concerning the Junior ≤10 divisions (age 10 and younger) depending on the length and strenuousness of their course.
3.03 Player Misconduct
G. The public display or use of tobacco products by event staff, players, and by extension their caddies, is prohibited at all times at PDGA events of any Tier that solely offer Junior divisions (i.e., divisions beginning with MJ and/or FJ prefixes), including the PDGA Junior World Championships.
- Such public display or use is also prohibited at all other PDGA Majors and Elite Series events, as well as those events held concurrently with those Major and Elite Series events, from the two-minute warning until their scorecard is turned in.
- This prohibition includes all smoking and chewing tobacco products, as well as electronic and vapor cigarettes, whether tobacco-based or not. This prohibition does not apply to smoking cessation products that do not produce vapor, such as nicotine gum, nicotine patches, or nicotine lozenges.
- For players and their caddies, any violation of these prohibitions will be treated as a courtesy violation, and violators will be asked to put away the product until after the round has concluded. Subsequent violations will be handled per PDGA Rule 812.C, with penalty throws assessed. Repeated violations may result in disqualification in accordance with Competition Manual Section 3.03 – Player Misconduct.
- At all non-junior events to which this policy applies, the Tournament Director may opt to provide designated smoking areas out of the public eye for players, caddies, and event staff to use during the round, and all rules concerning the pace of play still apply (Competition Manual 3.02).
- At PDGA events of any Tier that solely offer Junior divisions, including the PDGA Junior World Championships, no designated smoking areas will be provided.
- In cases where local laws and policies conflict with this policy, please contact the PDGA Tour Manager for guidance.
3.05 Carts, Caddies and Groups
F. For those players wishing to use a carrying device, approved carrying devices include disc golf bags, foldable chairs and push cart companions. No animals, motor driven or bicycle type devices shall be allowed as a carrying device at any PDGA events.
3.08 Tournament Director Rights and Responsibilities
G. Per Section 2.4 of the PDGA Bylaws, Tournament Directors may not refuse service to anyone based on their race, age, religion, sexual orientation, color, national origin, disability, gender, gender identity, or ancestry. creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation and/or religion.
Rules Questions and Answers Changes
My drive ended up under a picnic table. Can I play from behind it? On top of it?
A:In general, no. Picnic tables, along with any other park or course equipment, are obstacles on the course. They are to be treated as any other obstacles, for example a bush or a tree. How you play your next throw depends on the picnic table. If there is room for you to take a stance under it, even by sticking your leg underneath, that’s what you do. If your disc is on top of the picnic table and there is room underneath, it is a lie above ground and you mark directly below it and play from there. If the disc is on top and there’s no room underneath (for example, a solid picnic table), you play from on top if that is reasonable. Otherwise, the table is treated as a solid obstacle and you mark behind it on the line of play.
After throwing and picking up my marker I realize that I want to abandon the throw. Can I still do that even though that lie is no longer marked?
Yes, just have your group agree on an approximate lie from which the abandoned throw was made and play from there.
My group made a ruling that turned out to be wrong. They called me safe when I was actually OB, so I played from an incorrect lie. Do I get penalized?
A:Maybe. It’s up to the TD. You may be penalized for the OB because that is the correct ruling for that throw. However, you should not be penalized for having played from an incorrect lie (misplay), as you played according to your group’s ruling. If there is doubt about whether a ruling is correct, you should consider playing a provisional. You are responsible for playing the course properly. If you disagree with the group and an official is not readily available, play a provisional and have the TD make a ruling later.
Everyone in my group watched my soft putter push through the side of the basket and come to rest completely inside of it, not wedged at all. They said the putt was no good. Are they right?
A: Yes. A throw that is observed by the group or an Official to enters the target by wedging through the tray or by dropping through the top of the chain support is not considered good, even if it comes to rest in the basket or chains, because it has not entered the target correctly (above the rim of the tray and below the top chain support). If no one sees the throw on a blind hole or when the target is too far away, the group must make a decision.
As I release a putt, I push off from my back foot so that after release I am balanced on my front foot. I typically freeze there for a couple of seconds, then swing my back foot forward and continue toward the hole. Is that a foot fault?
It’s hard to say. Your group will have to make a judgment call. To demonstrate “full control of balance” the player must perform some action that breaks up the flow of movement toward the target after release, before proceeding toward the target. Some examples of actions that demonstrate balance might be: (1) a clear pause and display of balance, (2) placement of the back foot on the ground behind the mark, or (3) retrieval of the marker disc. The key to all of those is to show balance and control of your body behind the mark before moving forward. The best course of action is to leave no room for doubt, which is easy to do if you are indeed in control of your body after you’ve released the putt.
On a blind hole, I threw a fast, stable disc that skipped hard toward the basket. When we walked up, we found it wedged in the front of the tray. Was that an ace?
Probably not. It’s a group decision. There’s a very high probability that the disc wedged itself into the tray from the outside. A disc must enter the target correctly in order to complete the hole. The odds that it entered above the tray and then wedged in the tray on its way out are extremely low. However, if your group cannot reach a majority decision, the benefit of the doubt goes to the thrower and the ace counts.
A rival of mine likes to play head games, for example by telling me my score for the round, that he thinks I will make or miss a putt, etc. Can I call a courtesy violation on him?
Maybe. Though being a jerk isn’t explicitly listed as a courtesy violation, any action that is “distracting or unsportsmanlike” can be penalized. You and your group will need to decide if the player’s behavior is bad enough to call. Short of that, it is something you, your group, and/or other players will have to work out with them. If the behavior is bad enough, or there’s a pattern of it for that player, you can notify the TD and/or the PDGA Disciplinary Committee.
My disc was stuck in a tree far above two meters (with the two-meter rule in effect), when another player’s throw knocked it to the ground. Where is my lie, and am I subject to a two-meter penalty throw?
The interference rules state that a disc that has been moved is played relative to where it first came to rest. Since that was clearly above two meters, you are subject to a penalty throw just as if the disc had stayed in the tree. As for the player whose throw knocked your disc down, the interference rule does not apply when the interference is caused by a competitively thrown disc.
Rules Questions and Answers Removals
The following Q&As will be removed from use: