El proceso de elección de jugadores para el próximo campeonato de Europa, que se celebrará en Konopiste el 14 al 23 de Agosto 2020, ya está en marcha.
España ha recibido las siguientes plazas nacionales :
una plaza en MPO, una en MJ18 y una en MP40. En noviembre se distribuyen también las plazas individuales, en las que los mejores jugadores del continente en cada categoría y según el ranking PDGA/EDGF, pueden ser nominados por sus respectivas asociaciones para cubrir el cupo designado por la EDGF.
2020 EDGC / EMDGC Information Bulletin #2
(1) Team Captains Nomination
If your country have not yet nominated a team captain(s) for the event, please, send the contact info for the captain (full name, PDGA number, email address, phone number) to president@discgolffederation.eu and info@discgolffederation.eu as soon as possible (and also forward the person this email). Thank you!
Please note that only the designated team captains that will send contact to us will be able to nominate players for individual spots (see below) in the next stage of the event registration process.
(2) Junior Division at EDGC 2020
EDGF has request a waiver from PDGA to allow all age eligible players to compete in MJ18 and FJ18 divisions at 2020 EDGC regardless of their PDGA Pro/Am status. However, PDGA did not grant us such a waiver as it does not fit into their global division structure and policy. However, PDGA approved the following provision that will be used at the event that will allow all the age eligible players to compete in the same division for the European title regardless of their Pro/Am status.
The European Championship in divisions MJ18 and FJ18 will be held at the same time and at the same place as EDGC/EMDGC as a part of a formally separate PDGA XA tier event under the name European Junior Disc Golf Championship. In that event with restricted registration, all juniors with national and individual spots will compete in (formally) MPO and FPO divisions (without prize money). Thus, all juniors will be eligible to play in these divisions (as both Am and Pro status juniors are eligible to play in MPO/FPO), they will get their PDGA ratings for their rounds and furthermore, their results will be archived in the PDGA database. The formally separate PDGA events European Disc Golf Championship and European Masters Disc Golf Championship will feature MPO and FPO divisions and all master age restricted divisions, respectively, as originally planed.
Given the really competitive field of European junior players, we believe that one division for all juniors regardless of their status will allow the competition for the European junior disc golf title to be very thrilling and the title to be awarded to the best out of the best. Please, advise your eligible juniors to participate in the MJ18 and FJ18 divisions. We remind you that the MJ18 division will play the same layout as MPO division (Franz Ferdinand – long tees) and FJ18 will play the same layout as all the master aged divisions (Konopiste Meadows).
(3) Distribution of the National Spots – Special Provision in Master Divisions MPO40/FP40
The player spots for 2020 EDGC/EMDGC are distributed by two ways – by providing the countries with national spots and also individual spots for the most competitive players in each division.
The following table contains the latest info about the distributed and formally accepted national spots.
EDGC | EMDGC | ||||
Country | MPO | FPO | MJ18 | MP40 | FP40 |
Austria | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Belgium | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Croatia | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Czech Republic* | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Denmark | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Estonia | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Finland | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 |
France | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Germany | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Hungary | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Iceland | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Ireland | 1 | 1 | |||
Italy | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Latvia | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Lithuania | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Netherlands | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Norway | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Poland | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Portugal | 1 | 1 | |||
Russia | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Serbia | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Slovakia | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Slovenia | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Spain | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Sweden | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
Switzerland | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Ukraine | 1 | 1 | |||
United Kingdom | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
*Czech Republic as a hosting country will also receive one extra national spot in each of the divisions: MPO, FPO, MJ18, MP40, FP40, and MP60.
All these spots are division specific except the spots in MP40/FP40. Based on the recent decision of the EDGF Board of Directors, the spots allocated to European Countries Group I in MP40 and FP40 can be awarded to any master age players in any master aged division for the players of the same gender. I.e., if your country received two national spots in MP40, you can award one of them to MP50 player and one to MP65 player (i.e. to two players playing in one of the divisions MP40/MP50/MP60/MP65). Also, if your country received a national spot in FP40, you can award it to a player playing either FP40 or FP50 division. Thus, the choice of the division is only up to you. We understand that in some countries due to the combination of individual and national spots they may prefer to award the spot to a player in a different division than MP40/FP40. Note that these spots for EMDGC cannot be used for any of the EDGC divisions (MPO, FPO, MJ18, FJ18).
- November 18, 2019 – deadline for nomination of players for the individual spots by the team captains
- November 19, 2019 – EDGF publishes the list of all nominated players; players who were not nominated and feel that they were forgotten have 7 days to contact their national disc golf governing bodies (through the team captain) to receive a last minute nomination
- November 26, 2019 – EDGF publishes the final list of awarded individual spots and the waiting lists for individual spots in each division, no further nominations for individual spots will be possible after November 25.
- first half of January 2020 – the opening of the event registration
- February 18, 2020 – the end of the event registration, all players with individual spots need to be registered by the team captains by this deadline, players with national spots may be registered or the national spots may remain unnamed even after this deadline if your country prefer so, and if you claim them and pay them by the deadline (and in case of MP40/FP40 national spots you also need to indicate the divisions of your choice).
- March 3, 2020 – all spots (individual and national) must be paid (including unnamed national spots, and eventual substitute players)
- August 1, 2020 – all unnamed spots must be assigned to players
A new type of spots for 2020 EDGC/EMDGC – the individual spots will be awarded to the current European Champions and also to the most competitive European players in each divisions. However, none of these spots will be awarded automatically to players, i.e. no players will be directly invited. The whole control of the nomination process for individual spots will lie with the national disc golf governing bodies. Thus, to provide a chance for your player to receive individual spots, you need to nominate them.
EDGF herein announces the number of individual spots for each division and also the maximum number of individual spots per country (excluding the current European Champions)
Number of Individual Spots | Max Number of Individual Spots per Country | Number of National Spots | Total Division Size | |
FJ18 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 10 |
MJ18 | 4 | 3 | 30 | 34 |
FPO | 5 | 3 | 31 | 36 |
MPO | 52 | 10 | 48 | 100 |
FP40 | 8 | 3 | 20* | 28* |
MP40 | 7 | 3 | 33* | 40* |
FP50 | 9 | 3 | 0 | 9 |
MP50 | 24 | 4 | 0 | 24 |
MP60 | 9 | 3 | 1 | 10 |
MP65 | 9 | 3 | 0 | 9 |
In total, 163 spots will be distributed as National Spots and 137 spots as Individual Spots.
* in MP40 and FP40 divisions indicates that some of the national spots can be used in other master aged divisions.
Eligible current European champions with the division for which they are eligible to receive individual spots: Simon Lizotte (MPO), Bohdan Bilek (MPO, not eligible to play MJ18), Henna Blomroos (FPO), Maria Asikainen (FPO, not eligible to play FJ18), Sylvain Gouge (MP40), Natalie Holloköi (FP40), Hans Tagebäck (MP50), Olle Samuelsson (MP65, may receive MP60 spot if he prefers so).
- By November 18, 2019 your country must nominate your players for the individual spots (in all divisions).
- To be nominated, the current European Champions need to satisfy only the basic eligibility rules:
- nationality requirements,
- approval by the national disc golf governing body,
- division age restrictions,
- current PDGA membership in good standing,
- the players must be PDGA officials at the time of duration of the event.
- For all other players to be nominated for individual spots, they must satisfy the following requirements:
- nationality requirements,
- approval by the national disc golf governing body,
- division age restrictions,
- current PDGA membership in good standing,
- the players must be PDGA officials at the time of duration of the event,
- their minimum PDGA rating must be above 800 (all mixed divisions except MJ18) and 600 (all female divisions except FJ18), no minimum PDGA rating requirements for MJ18 and FJ18,
- their PDGA country must agree with the country for which they are nominated,
- they must be active players, i.e., they have played at least 4 events and 10 PDGA rated rounds over the last 12 month (including recent rounds and events with unofficial ratings, excluding rounds with less that 13 holes) OR they have a strong history of recent play, i.e., they have played at least 12 events and 30 PDGA rated rounds over the last 36 months (all prior to November 18, 2019 date).
- Note, you will not be able to nominate any more players for individual spots after November 25,2019 so we strongly suggest to nominate all players from your country who may be eligible to receive an individual spot. All nominated players will be sorted by their current PDGA rating (after November 2019 update).
- Among the nominated players – the current European Champions and the highest rated players up to the individual spots quota in each division will receive the individual spots.
- The remaining nominated players will be sorted according to their current PDGA rating (after November 2019 update) and placed on the waiting list for individual spots in each division.
- In case of players with the same PDGA rating the tie is broken by the higher PDGA rating at the last rating update when the players had different ratings (no rating counts as 0 for this purpose), in case such a rating is unavailable for some of the players, the lower PDGA number breaks the tie.
A couple of important things to note:
- Some players may be eligible to receive an individual spot in multiple divisions (e.g. MPO and MP40), in that case you will need to indicate in the nomination process the order of preferences for the division they want to play.
- Some players may be not eligible due to not being active players (see the conditions listed above).
- Some players may not be able to participate at EDGC/EMDGC for various other reasons.
Therefore, the provided lists in each division are only indicators. It is eventually possible that even players that are outside of this list will receive an individual spot. It is unlikely but this option cannot, in general, be ruled out.
Each team captain will have an access to edit the particular sheet (name of the sheet is the name of the country) of the nomination document. All team captains, please check whether the settings are right and you are able to edit your own country sheet. If you encounter any problems with it, please, inform us right away.
In the sheet the name of the captain(s) is listed, in case of the joint captain for the whole event, the data are the same for both EDGC and EMDGC.
Then, just for your reference the number of national spots for each country is listed. This is only provided for a reference, i.e., it does not limit in any way the number of your nominated players for individual spots.
Finally, the captains need to fill in the table Nomination for Individual Spots for their own country.
- In each row enter the First Name, Last Name, PDGA number, Country, and Division of each nominated player (including the current European Champion). By nominating a player you confirm that you have checked that the player satisfies all the requirements listed above, particularly nationality eligibility, approval of the player by the national disc golf governing body, activity of the player, etc.
- Players may be nominated in multiple divisions if they satisfy the age requirements. In that case you need to nominate the player separately in different rows, one for each division and also you need to indicate the order of preference for divisions with 1 be the highest preference, 2 being a lower preference, etc.
- For an example of the completed nomination list, see the sheet Example (Molvania), see also the proper format of the data.
- You can freely edit your nomination list until November 18, 2019, 24:00 Central European Time (UTC + 1). Then the list will be frozen and all additional last minute nominations that are a result of a forgotten players (or similar situations) will need to be submitted by email. No additional nominations will be allowed after November 25, 2019, 24:00 (UTC + 1).
If at any time later (before the start of the event) a player will receive an individual spot from the individual spot waiting list due to a cancellation of a player with the individual spot, the spot will be awarded to the player regardless whether the player received a national spot or not. That means that in case such a player is already registered for the event with a national spot, the country will be able to award the national spot to an additional player. In that case, the event fees will need to be paid within two weeks period for the additional player.
Q: In 2018 we had more national spots at EDGC with a field of 200 than we have for 2020 with a 50% bigger field. How is that possible?
Q: It was my understanding, that we would get a breakdown of ‘individual spots’ vs ‘national spots’, but I can only see ‘national spots’ mentioned in this documentation?
Q: Is it possible right now to make an estimate which players will earn individual spots?
A: Yes, it is possible. The number of individual spots is listed in the table above. You can use also the data viewer at
Moreover, after the October PDGA ratings update we will publish a preliminary list of players who (if nominated) will earn individual spots (reflecting the players age in 2020), as the number of available individual spots will be fixed by then. But some players may be not nominated, some players may decide not to come, some master aged players may decide to play MPO, etc., and thus only after the November nomination deadline it will be clear which players will earn individual spots and who will remain on the waiting list for individual spots.
A: Each player can receive a spot at EDGC only in one division. The national disc golf governing body can eventually nominate a player for a spot at EDGC in multiple divisions to maximize the chance for the player to qualify this may be particularly important for high rated MP40 players who may be able to receive an individual spot in MPO). However, in that case, the national association will need to indicate which division is the preferred division of play for the player. Thus. the decision to which division is the player nominated is up to the national association in agreement with the player.
Each national spot is division specific, i.e. if a country has one national spot in MPO and one in MP40 they can use it as they want without any restrictions. Both can be awarded to 40+ years old players if the country decides to.
Thus, there may be 40+ years old players who will not be able to earn spots in master aged divisions but they will be able to earn spots in MPO division. That may be possible, particularly given the large number of individual spots in MPO and a limited number of individual spots in MP40.
Q: What happens if a player nominated for a national spot will later earn an individual spot, or if a player with an individual spot in MPO will later receive an individual spot in other division?
A: In that case the player will be able to switch division at that point, i.e. to accept the spot that will open. The previous spot will be redistributed, i.e. a national spot can be filled by another players from the same country and the individual spot will be offered to the first player on the waiting list in the given division.
Q: How long is the list of nominated players supposed to be? As long as we like? And by what date do we need the list?
Finally, in the published document referred above we published the current ratings with the number of individual spots, i.e., you may have a rough idea, how many of your players do have a chance to receive the individual spot. From my experience with other event that has a similar qualification criteria (Central European Championship), typically the threshold reaches to 2.5-multiple of the the number of spots, i.e. if there are 10 spots, typically, players who are in top 25 (eliminating those who will likely play in other divisions) have a chance to receive a spot, it is very unlikely, more players will qualify, although, we are running this process on the European scale for the first time, so things may go differently.
Q: When will players be invited for individual spots?
Q: What moment ratings will be taken into account in distribution of individual spots?