El Campeonato de Europa 2020 se pospone hasta 2021. Este es el comunicado oficial de los organizadores:
Dear players, avid disc golfers and fans of European Disc Golf Championship and Konopiště Open. After many weeks of careful consideration, we made the final decision – 2020 EDGF European Disc Golf Championship is postponed to 2021. The joint 2021 EDGC/EMDGC will be organized at Konopiště on August 9-15 (single competition dates August 11th to 14th, doubles August 15). The next EDGC/EMDGC will be held in 2022, i.e. there is no change planned for the future EDGC events.
The pandemic is slowing down here in the Czech Republic, the mitigation measures are lifted but safety and ability to attend of all fans, players, organizers and others is our top priority and it would be very unwise to organize the event this year. The spot distribution rules for 2021 EDGC/EMDGC were already determined European Disc Golf Federation (EDGF) and they can be found here. Note that all the registration process will be restarted in December, and that all the registered players remain on the event player list. Furthermore, the capacity of the event will be increased a bit to accommodate players who gave up their spots due to inability to participate in 2020 and also the best upcoming new players. The junior division cut off age will be 19 years, so all registered juniors now will be able to play in junior division next year.
Please make sure to cancel your accommodation and other possible reservations before the end of May so you do not have to pay any unnecessary fees. Please contact your accommodation provider directly.
All fees (registration fees, player fees) that you already paid will be reimbursed, our financial manager will get in touch with you. Most participating countries are in the EU (or within the SEPA area), so there should be none or only very low bank transfer fees.
We sincerely hope that you understand this decision and we cannot wait to see you in the beautiful heart of Europe here at Konopiště, Czech Republic. Stay safe, everyone!
EDGC organizing team & EDGF