Con Islandia y Noruega ya preparados para organizar nuevos torneos, la PDGA ha publicado las cinco fases de su proceso de desescalada:
5-Step Process To Reinstate PDGA Event Sanctioning
With conditions surrounding the novel coronavirus pandemic improving in certain regions and some areas seeing sporting events resume, the PDGA Board of Directors has approved a five-step process that will allow for a phased reinstatement of sanctioning to begin.
This process takes effect immediately and will be in place until further notice. As a result, all events scheduled after May 14, 2020, will be placed into reserved status with sanctioning pending. These events will be allowed to run as soon as local directives permit organized, competitive sporting events to resume.
We appreciate members’ patience and flexibility as we work to reopen competition and adapt to a new normal, and we share in the disappointment of those who have to cancel plans or will not be able to enjoy tournament disc golf in the immediate future. However, with the steps below now in place, we have a clear path forward to getting back to what we love doing.
Sanctioning will be reinstated on a regional basis using the following process:
- A state, provincial, or national government authority must issue directives that allow organized, competitive sporting events to resume.
- PDGA verifies government directives in cooperation with member-elected State and Provincial Coordinators and appointed Country Coordinators.
- Upon verification, sanctioning becomes available in that geographic area.
- PDGA will notify event directors in that geographic area, who must then acknowledge and agree to implement government directives and PDGA Requirements for Competition During COVID-19.
- Sanctioning is reinstated for individual events.
At all stages of this process, local rules and regulations supersede any of those administered by the PDGA (with the exception of rules governing sanctioned competition). The PDGA implores all event directors, competitors, and attendees to always follow the directives issued by state, provincial, or national government authorities.
Sanctioning Available In Iceland and Norway
As a result of this process, we are pleased to announce that PDGA sanctioning is now available in Iceland and Norway. PDGA staff will email event directors who have events on the schedule in those countries to receive acknowledgment of the PDGA Requirements for Competition During COVID-19.
Additional updates on when and where sanctioning will resume will be announced as they are approved.
Best Practices Emphasize Contactless Events
When sanctioning resumes, events will operate differently than they have in the past. Event directors and all staff, players, spectators, etc. must follow all government guidelines for an event’s location concerning conducting organized, competitive sporting events. Event directors and participants who willfully violate these regulations may be subject to disciplinary action.
PDGA staff has also outlined several best practices to emphasize contactless competition. Event directors should consider integrating these additional recommendations to further enhance government directives:
- All players and staff should practice two-meter (6 feet) physical distancing upon arrival at the event and at all times prior to, during, and after their rounds at the event and in all event locations.
- Events should utilize virtual player meetings and other digital means for check-in and payout to avoid physical group settings such as player meetings, award ceremonies, or any other ancillary activities.
- Digital scoring should be utilized.
- Players should not touch discs, bags, carts, or any other property belonging to another player.
- Participants should bring and control their own food and water for the entire day.
Please review the full list of PDGA Requirements and Best Practices for Competition During COVID-19 for more information.
Amended Tour Standards Increase Flexibility
Due to a reduction in available scheduling time remaining in 2020, the PDGA has made several changes to the PDGA Tour Standards and International Program Guide. These changes take effect immediately and will be in place for the remainder of 2020 as staff and the Board of Directors hope to increase flexibility for players and event directors. Changes include:
- Reduced mileage restrictions on events.
- A reduction in payout requirements.
- Reduced sanctioning agreement deadline requirements.
- Reduced trophy and medal requirements.
Please see the Addendum to the 2020 PDGA Tour Standards and International Program Guide for more details.
Finally, please be sure to check our COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions page, which has also been updated in conjunction with this announcement.